Our meat is sourced at organic Danish farms
“At Spis min gris, we specialize in sourcing the best organic Danish farms that share our approach and values regarding animal welfare and organic meat production”
Mikkel Hesselager, founder of Spis min gris.
Every animal has a role to play
Spis min gris sources animals from organic Danish farms, selected on how the animals, for instance, contribute to natural conservation. In biodynamic farming, cows play a crucial role in nurturing and building the soil's humus content and fertility. Meanwhile, for pig farmers, grazing pigs are a vital part of the farm's crop rotation. What all these animals have in common is that they has a role to play in nature.
We exclusively collaborate with responsible, environmentally conscious, organic, and biodynamic farmers, giving priority, for example, to dairy cattle with a lower carbon footprint. These farms all have this in common:
They are organic, some also biodynamic.
Their animals contribute while they are here. This is what we call "Animals should live for life." For beef, this means the meat comes from dairy production (either dairy cows or surplus steers), and for pigs, it means the animals assist with crop rotation and biodiversity. Read about the "The animals’ work" at each farm.
The farms are run by farmers with a genuine passion. For many farms, this means operating with a focus on biodiversity or nature conservation.
The animals contribute to the environment around them. For example, manure enriches the soil for beetles and small birds, and the heavy-hoofed animals create growth conditions for flowers and plants that thrive in the vicinity of the animals.
Animals are slaughtered on the farm or as close to the farm as possible, avoiding long animal transport and the associated stress hormones in the meat.
Read more about the farms below.